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Member of the Month - January 2017

Bronwyn R

What made you join Cam City WI?


I wanted to learn how to make jam and meet different women in the city! TICK


Who inspires you and why?


Lots of people for different reasons... My sister, for her giving and selfless nature... My husband, for his love and unfailing faith in my ability... My girls - their artiness and intelligence leaves me in awe of there adultness... Florence Nightingale and Mother Theresa, for pioneering new ways of caring.


What's your life philosophy?


I am a work hard play hard person, but also I have 'give forward philosophy... don't sweat the small stuff will all work out...


What's your guilty pleasure?


Champagne...a deep bath...and wait for it...scented candles and a rubbishy romantic fiction book...(don't tell anyone!) ...which is why I am grateful that Cam City WI book club will save me with some decent or at least different and challenging reading...(thanks Sarah...) Watership down ordered!


If you had a million pounds, what would you do with it?


Buy houses to help keep my kids in cambridge! If that is still what they want to do...


What's on your bucket list?


  1. ​Visit Anne of Green gables country 

  2. Gain a Masters Degree

  3. Maintain a healthy and loving relationship with my husband.


What would your ideal day entail?


A day with my husband, girls, son in law and grand daughter...nice meal, nice wine, relaxing.


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