Cam City WI
Inspiring Women
Member of the Month - July 2017
Lisa C
What made you join Cam City WI?
The Brancaster trip was so much fun, I wanted to expand my WI horizons with all the lovely ladies. So I knew a second WI was inevitable after that (my home WI is Castle) and CamCity's Wednesday worked with my diary… plus I'm not sure Bronwyn or Lisa would've let me not join!
Who inspires you and why?
Anyone who gets on and does it. It doesn't matter whether that's join a WI, learn a new craft, climb a mountain or a jog round the park. Do it, don't talk it.
What's your philosophy?
In so far as I have one: Do as you would be done by.
What are your Secret Skills?
I make a mean carrot cake.
I came 2nd for my age group in a sprint triathlon last year;
I can spot a typo a mile away (provided I have my specs on!)​.
What are your guilty pleasures?
Hill walking on my own.
Swimming in Jesus Green lido.
Reading a book in a day.
Instagramming Afternoontease to make lunch requests​.
What's your poison?
Earl Grey Tea
Pale Ale
French 75 - I could go on!
If you had a million pounds, what would you do with it?
Do with a million - pay off mortgages, travel, fund libraries/buy kids books
Do for a million - play the lottery!
What's on your bucket list?
Well, if I had a bucket list, I'd tell you.​
What would your ideal day entail?
A walk up a hill or three with friends, in sunshine, with packed lunches, landing back at a pub for a restorative pint. And in summer, if there happened to be a tea shop or ice cream place along the way, all the better.