Cam City WI
Inspiring Women
Margot R - Treasurer
What do you do for fun?/Hobbies and interests?
I'm addicted to reading, but I also have a lot of fun arranging things in size or colour order...a packet of skittles can keep me amused for hours before I eat them :-) I like to try out different hobbies, so I've tried pyrography, working with leather, sewing clothes (not successfully), quilting (love!), fish-keeping, rugby, brewing, sketching, colouring-in, cooking (I do OK), baking (I do not do OK), singing, gardening (I restrict myself to spraying weedkiller and "designing", the hubster does the hard work), cross-stitch and needlepoint. I'm a terrible gossip, too :-)
How did you get involved in the WI?
I was dragged along to the first open meeting of Cam City by a friend. I'd never been particularly interested in the WI, wasn't quite sure what it was, and was pretty sure I wouldn't fit in. After a few meetings, I was starting to warm to the idea - lots of the women I met were very much more like me than I expected, the meetings were interesting and not all focussed on how to be a domestic goddess - and even though my friend stopped going, I decided to persevere, and I'm so glad I did. I now have loads of amazing new friends who have encouraged me to take so many different opportunities I never would have done otherwise.
Why did you join the committee?
I have to admit, I have a passion for sticking my nose in other people's business and, if possible, arranging things to my satisfaction. Joining the committee was one way of dealing with my problem productively - now I get to arrange things like craft stalls and speakers and meetings!
What is your favourite thing about the WI?
Definitely the people, especially the women in the Cambridge city centre WIs - amazing, active, inspiring women whether trying to make a difference or just having a good time. Special mention to my "wifeys" - Mel, El and Lisa!
What is your worst habit?
Procrastination. And biting my nails!
Who would you most like to meet and why?
Me, 4 years ago. I'd like to give her a good shake. And then maybe a hug.
What is your craft?
I'm not a legitimate crafter - and by that I mean, I'm not the kind of person who crafts every evening. Or week...or even month! I'll go through phases of working on a project; recently I completed my first quilt (so excited!) but my usual "thing" is cross-stitch/needlepoint. I don't do anything fancy, I just like stitching away to make a pretty picture.
What is/are your guilty pleasure(s)?
Mills and Boon romances. And 90s hip-hop.
What are your committee responsibilities?
I am now the Treasurer for Cam City WI after a long stint as the Secretary - those spreadsheets won't know what's hit them and I'll be looking closely at our spend and ensuring we don't go beyond our means to deliver the excellent meetings for our members.
What do you do?
I am a secondary school teacher. It's definitely a vocation! I trained to teach History, but as a Humanities teacher you end up doing a bit of everything. So currently, I teach A level Psychology. No, I cannot tell what you are thinking.
What is your poison?
I'll have to rank them...
1. Port. It's been my favourite tipple since I was a teenager!
2. Jack Daniels and coke (takes me back to my uni days)
3. PG Tips tea, milk, no sugar - makes EVERYTHING better :-)