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Sarah C - Resolutions & Campaigns Lead

What do you do for fun?/Hobbies and interests?

I have lots of interests as my brain seems to be interested in lots of things! I love to read all sorts of books and magazines, and write as well, I have written a bit for Vintage Life magazine so that brings together my interests in writing, social history, and the Vintage scene. I love to watch old films and costume dramas on tv, bake and eat, travel, listen to the Beatles, take my dog Rusty for a good walk, and cuddle my cat LC


How did you get involved in the WI?

It was through a vintage book club that was set up via Facebook, I met the other ladies in Cambridge and most of them were also members of Cam City WI so I became interested in joining you.


Why did you join the committee?

I just like to make a contribution and help out wherever I can, but I am not interested in being powerful as Margot promised to potential committee members!


What is your favourite thing about the WI?

I love that it has been around for over 100 years, includes all sorts of women, and campaigning and crafts go together. Plus cake, and lots of laughs!


What is your worst habit?

I feel I have too many to mention, being over-critical of myself like most women are. But probably one of the worst is not asking people to make themselves clear, I am severely deaf and rely on my hearing aids and lip-reading to understand what’s going on. If you see me looking stupid, please remind me to ask you again what you have said!


Who would you most like to meet and why?

So many fascinating people, dead and alive. I think because we are watching ‘The Crown’ at the moment, I would love to have tea with the Queen and see for myself what she is really like. And does she have jam or cream first on her scones?! (I like jam first)


What is your craft? 

I have tried knitting and crochet with the help of many lovely WI friends but my brain and hands can’t seem to co-ordinate. I am still up for trying handicrafts though. I like to bake, and last year made my first jam so I will be doing that again this summer!


What is/are your guilty pleasure(s)?

Buying too many magazines and books (mostly secondhand) when our house can’t cope with anymore and I don’t have enough hours in the day to read them.


What are your committee responsibilities?

I've been nominated to take Cam City WI forward when it comes to raising awareness of the Resolutions and Campaigns, the process and encouraging members with ideas to help contribute to spreading the word.


What do you do?

I work with my husband John in our military antiques and collectables business, we have worked together for nearly 15 years.  We have a stall at Cambridge market 3 days a week, and when at home John gets as much stock preparation done as possible, and I work on our website and Etsy shop, being the computer geek to some degree.  Previously I was a librarian and library assistant at Enfield Council and the BBC.  So I went from a warm dry environment to standing outside in the wet and cold! But it’s a great lifestyle, and our dog Rusty can be with us.


What is your poison?

Chocolate, without a doubt. I don’t understand how John can eat just a few bits of chocolate at a time when I will eat a lot! I try to eat Fairtrade and dark chocolate though so that it is good for the growers and me 😊

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