Cam City WI
Inspiring Women
Previous Meetings
January 2018: All About Alpacas
Our first meeting for 2018 gave us the opportunity to catch up on each other’s Christmas and New Year celebrations and to take part in a re-gifting raffle.
Our speaker was the lovely Nicki Sly from Bramble Lodge Alpacas. She gave a very informative and personal account of her family’s life starting out on a small holding which is now a very big holding.
Her passion for Alpaca’s was infectious and a good few members left thinking 'why don’t I have an Alpaca?' :)
Fun Alpaca wisdom imparted:
Alpacas are NOT Llamas and they don’t spit at humans.
They make funny noises when they want to breed.
There are two types of Alpaca - the Huacaya which has sheep-like woolliness and the Suri that has long spiral locks.
If you want to buy Alpaca yarn make sure you understand what you are buying; cheaper options are unlikely to be pure.
Alpaca’s are shorn annually.
They make great sheep dogs.
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