Cam City WI
Inspiring Women
Cambridge Federation WI (CFWI) Trips & Events
The trips and events are listed on the Cambridge WI Federation webpage - click on any one to download more information and booking instructions.
Alas, there is no online booking or payment systems in place for CFWI events currently available :(
CFWI regularly set booking deadlines for their events which can be found on the downloadable information sheets below.
Unless otherwise stated, to book a place, during a monthly meeting, you can give your contact details and payment by cash or cheque to your Secretary who will pass these on to the Cambridge Federation Office.
Alternatively, you can choose to send your contact details and payment by cash or cheque to: Events Booking, WI Office, Oakington Road, Girton, Cambridge, CB3 0QH.
n.b Please include a S.A.E(!) (A Self Addressed Envelope for those who say 'huh?') ​​​
Check back regularly for the most up-to-date information.