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The Annual Meeting 2023

This year we are blending our AM - a bit online and via email and a tiddly bit in person during our May 2023 meeting.  We never like losing a whole meeting to an AM, as we have learning and socialising to do.... however, we have to do an AM so we get it done as efficiently as possible.


This page brings you a record of all of our official document 'business' for another year.


All our necessary processes will be performed in person on Wednesday 3 May 2023.

Us lot.PNG

Here you will find:


  • The Treasurer's Report - Financial year January - December 2022 

  • The Secretary's Committee Report 

  • The President's Address (Transcript)

  • The new committee line up for 2023/2024 

  • The result of the President Nomination Process... 

  • The result of the online vote to support a Charity of the Year


The  Treasurer's Report - FInanical Year

Our most excellent Treasurer, Bronwyn R, has put together our 2022 reports. 


Our financial year runs from 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022.


Here is the official document for your review - The Treasurer's Report 2022 which includes the official  Cam City WI Financial Statement


Click on an image below to view the PDF 


The 2022/2023 Secretary's Committee Report

Our brilliant Secretary, Maeva V has prepared this year's report, illustrated in the now infamous Picture Presentation!
Click on the image to download the PDF presentation and reminisce about how blumin' marvellous our year was.


President's Address 2023 by Melanie Reed



It has been yet another Cam City WI year to be proud of.  I have now completed a fourth year as your President and my personal circumstances have been, and continue to be, more of a challenge than any other time in my life.  But Cam City WI adds the joy and I have a lot of fun memories and friends here to appreciate. 


Thank you all for making it what it is.  I’ve always said and will always say, a WI is what its members make it.  So, I have some personal thank you’s to make tonight.


To Bron – your Treasurer – I can speak for all of us to say she has put in an inordinate effort to get us to a very happy place – knowing our finances inside and out, streamlining processes, keeping on top of the financial admin and most importantly, communicating and educating the whole committee about the numbers and how we need to spend and fundraise to sustain ourselves in the future.  Massive round of applause for Bron, we love and appreciate you. 

And another thank you for leading our Walking Group too – it’s always fun to get out an about and Sunday Lunches are my fave! Long live Walking club!


To Maeva – Our Secretary – she has kept our plans organised and our thoughts recorded so well during committee meetings. With all of our busy lives, we couldn’t function without this job.  She has been meticulous with member admin and processes too.  She cares about doing things well and even though she is stepping off committee, she will be staying on as a very valued member.


To Kate – Our Campaigns Lead and speaker organiser extraordinaire – struck down by Covid this evening, but with us in spirit.  Thank you for all of your enthusiasm and ideas and follow through to get things done.  Documentary Film club is also her baby, and it has been really great to have lively and educating debate (especially when I watch the right film – ahem).


To Sheena – the most overwhelmingly lovely member, full of ideas and hospitality and such a can-do vibe.  All of which is needed and most appreciated.


To Karina – our most thoughtful of committee members, the buzz in the air when Karina is about is bloody marvellous and she really helps us think outside the box.  You want a volunteer, she’s the first to put her hand up and try.  Proper inspiration.


To Mary – our wonderful dark horse of baking and keeping us on a level – she backs up Bron as Shadow Treasurer and has balance to bring to the group.


To Sandra – throwing herself into new learning and definitely a fabulous example of trying to learn new things to contribute.  Thank you for all the proof reading and fresh eyes.


To Jane – One of our founding committee members – taking a step back after 10 years on committee contributing her thoughts and ideas.  Congratulations on making the 10! Round of applause for Jane.


To Sarah – Thank you for your steadfast lead for our Online Book club – we really appreciate non-committee members taking the lead for things that Members can get involved with. 


So, there are things I don’t know – like ‘If I’m elected as President again this year, can I carry on and give this my all?...  BUT there are things I do know – especially, that I am surrounded by friends and so much support that I KNOW we can do this together.


Our WI will always be what we make it.


Your confirmed Committee for 2023/2024

Your volunteer Committee members are:


Barbara G

Bronwyn R

Karina Q

Kate A

Mary H

Melanie R

Sandra H

Sheena D

Stephanie PO


Your President remains:


Melanie R

The result of the online vote to support a Charity of the Year 2023/2024

Members voted in the majority (71%) to support Cambridge Women's Resource Centre with specifically agreed fundraising efforts that may be split between CWRC and Cam City WI. 

Thank you for reading through this record of it!


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