Cam City WI
Inspiring Women
Previous Meetings
April 2019: The Cam City WI Annual General Meeting & Resolutions Vote
Our April meeting was the Cam City WI AGM - the annual 'business' type meeting with a more formal feel - but with the definite laughter lifts that we've come to love at every Cam City WI meeting!
Committee Officers, Lisa H (President) was unfortunately absent but we began with Mel Reed in her stead to do the welcome and general notices, to promote the most excellent treat raffle and the club activity for the coming month,
Mel handed over to Treasurer Margot who the group through a financial report for 2018 (healthy figures of spending vs income through membership and fundraising! Plus an introduction to the idea of spending some of our current surplus in the coming year by awarding Bursaries).
The most excellent Committee Report (a fantastic and fun look back at our programme) was delivered by our hard working secretary Helen, the presentation was brilliantly put together and raised a lot of laughs and sparked great memories for the group. For new members it gave an excellent representation of the diverse range of meetings we've had and a closer look at the club activity.
The President's address, on behalf of Lisa H was read out by Mel verbatim. She took the time to thank our outgoing committee members, for all the hard work undertaken for the group and reflect on her time as President for the third and final year running. All reports were adopted by members, the 'formal' part of the process of the AGM.
To finish off the AGM we then formed a new Committee - Helen L, Melanie R and Sarah C stood to indicate they would remain as committee members for another year. New, and very much appreciated, volunteers Tracy S, Jane H and Kim C stood to join them for the coming year (they will be joined by Janet N and Sharon M who were unable to attend in person)!
Members were then asked to nominate who, from the standing committee members, they would like to see as President. Only one member accepted her nomination and Melanie R was confirmed as President for 2019/20! Congratulations Mel!
Our break was a consumed with cake and our Treat raffle! A top prize of a £50 voucher for local Dragonfly Spa other prizes of Love Cambridge vouchers.
We kept up the pace and headed into our Resolutions vote lead by Sarah C. There are two resolutions in 2019 that are to be carried forward to vote at the National WI AGM in June 2019 - 'A call against the decline in local bus services' and 'Don't Fear the Smear'. Members were reminded of the resolution wording, a small amount of discussion was had (since we'd used the January meeting to heavily discuss the shortlisted resolutions) to help them come to a decision to vote for or against. Our votes were cast and noted. This year Papworth WI will be sending a representative to the National WI AGM on our behalf.
As always, the meeting was an excellent opportunity a catch up with old friends and new. Despite a more formal format for a monthly meeting, we think attending the AGM is an important part of being a part of your WI - because the WI is what members make it - and having an understanding of how it comes about is good for our members.

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